Meade 1697 Instruction Manual

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#1697 Computer Drive System
For LXD 650 and LXD 750 Equatorial Mounts
Meade Instruments Corporation
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Meade Instruments Corporation

INSTRUCTION MANUALMeade®#1697 Computer Drive SystemFor LXD 650 and LXD 750 Equatorial MountsMeade Instruments Corporation


- 10 -THE CDS CONTROL PANEL1. Current (mA x 100) (1), Fig. 9: The Current (Ammeter)display is a series of vertical red LED bars. Each fully lit bar

Page 3 - Contents

- 11 -information can be useful if you are trying to calculate how muchbattery life is available during an observing run. As an example,if the ammete


- 12 -pole star may be somewhat off-center in the eyepiece, showingthat an alignment error was made during the initial setup. Usingthe Latitude adjus


- 13 -To toggle between 12 and 24 hours displays, move the LCDarrow to 12/24HR and press ENTER. To return to the originalsetting, press ENTER again.5)

Page 6

- 14 -and press ENTER. The letters will revert to lower case,indicating the High Precision Pointing option is now "off".10) SLEW RATE: Op

Page 7

- 15 -using the M, STAR, or CNGC keys, and pressing the ENTER key.Press MODE to exit to the main menu file.2) START FINDThe START FIND option utilizes

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- 16 -selects all objects from very poor through super — what could beconsidered an “ALL” setting. The object quality symbols are:Quality Symbol Symbo

Page 9

- 17 -the CDS knows no bounds — any celestial object, includingcomets, asteroids, etc., are easily found, provided accuratecoordinate data has been en

Page 10 - Port; (12) Auxiliary Port

- 18 -Note: The backlighting is done by edge lighting a plastic light barunderneath the Keypad. Four LED’s are used and do not give aperfectly even


- 19 -APPENDIX A: PRECISE POLAR ALIGNMENTPrecise polar alignment is essential for long-exposure astrophotography (typically defined as photo-exposure

Page 12

MEADE LIMITED WARRANTYEvery Meade telescope, spotting scope, and telescope accessory is warranted by Meade Instruments Corporation (“Meade”)to be free

Page 13 - Center STAR XXXX

- 3 -Contents#1697 Computer Drive SystemIntroduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Installation. . .

Page 14 - 11) BACKLASH 00

#1697 COMPUTER DRIVE SYSTEM:INTRODUCTIONThe Meade #1697 Computer Drive System (CDS) is easilyinstalled in the Meade LXD 650 and 750 Equatorial Mounts.

Page 15

- 5 -Basic Telescope Setup:1. Polar align your telescope. See the instructions thataccompany the telescope.2. Turn "on" the #1697 Control

Page 16 - RA = 02:45.54

- 6 -system’s computer memory. It is also necessary to learn themenu structure of the Keypad Hand Controller, which isdescribed beginning on page 8.B

Page 17 - FREQ = 60.1M ↕

- 7 -2. Press the MODE key twice. The display will look likeDisplay 8, but with random LOCAL and SIDE times.Display 129. Press and hold the ENTER k

Page 18 - Meade General Catalog

- 8 -Display 2010. Center the second alignment star in the telescopeeyepiece using the "N", "E", "W", or "S" k

Page 19 - ★ Polaris

- 9 -will show data on the object (name, rating, object type,brightness, and size). Now, press GO TO. The telescope willautomatically slew to M42. I

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