Meade 4504 User Manual

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Loan-A-Scope Program FAQ
What telescopes are available?
The current list of telescopes and manual links are:
Jason 313 Discoverer 60mm refractor f/15 on an EQ-2 mount with AC motor drive.
Meade 289s 60mm refractor on EQ-2 mount (Manual)
(Similar Manual)
Meade Telestar 60 AZ 60mm refractor on Alt-Az mount
Tasco 4.5” reflector telescope on EQ-2 mount motorized
(See general 4.5”/EQ-2 Manual
Meade 4504 4.5” reflector telescope on DH GoTo electronic mount
Meade DS-114 AT 4.5” reflector telescope on DS GoTo electronic mount
6” Short Tube reflector telescope on EQ-2 Mount (Manual)
(Similar scope)
Tasco Starguide 60mm refractor on Celestron Nexstar GT GoTo electronic mount
Celestron C-90 Spotting Scope – Standard Camera Tripod mount
(This scope is also capable of being used with an SLR camera if you have a T-Ring. The mount however is not
good for any astronomy photos.)
Cometron CO-62 62mm Wide Field Refractor on small Alt-Az mount or Camera Tripod mount
(Similar telescope manual)
Monolux 60mm f15 refractor on EQ-2 mount (Manual, but very smooth)
General 4.5”/EQ-2 manual (If you have an EQ mount scope, this is a basic guide)
How can I check out a telescope or return one?
Contact our equipment coordinator via email or phone and arrangements can be made to either pickup or return
a telescope. Telescopes may also be picked up or returned at one of our public events. If you have a specific
telescope in mind, you will need to contact us first to see if the telescope is available and that it will be at the
location where you will be getting the telescope. We do want to take anyone who will be using the telescope
through a short orientation program to make sure that you can assemble/disassemble the telescope and have a
basic understanding of how to operate it.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Loan-A-Scope Program FAQ

Loan-A-Scope Program FAQ What telescopes are available? The current list of telescopes and manual links are: Jason 313 Discoverer 60mm refractor f/

Page 2

Can I take pictures with these telescopes? These telescopes are not designed to take pictures like you see in books and magazines. Many of those pict

Page 3 - I can’t find anything!

I want to see more, where do I find out about getting a telescope or working with a more advanced telescope? Join our club, we have larger more advan

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