Meade Autostar User Manual Page 2

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Table of Contents
The Goal: Consistency, astronomy without frustration.
What Gives You Consistency?
What affects the ETX-Autostar Observation System?
How precise can the ETX-Autostar Observation System be?
The Goal
The ETX-Autostar Observation System
The Meade ETX-xxxEC telescope
The Meade Autostar
The Tripod
Tools of the Trade
The Flash Light
Precision Time Source
Why is the exact time important?
Setting Up the telescope
Viewfinder and the Telescope
Straight-through or Right-angle Viewfinder
Focusing the viewfinder
The Viewfinder Mounting Problem
The Elastic Viewfinder Alignment Tool (EVAT)
Aligning the Viewfinder Step-by-step
Setting up the DEC dial
Leveling the Fork Arm in the Polar alignment position.
The Telescope HOME positions
Polar Position
Alt/Az Position
Setup Polar Home Position
Setup Alt/Az Home Position
The Tripod
A Good Tripod
Adjustments on a #883 Tripod
How to setup and level a Tripod
Setting Up the Latitude of Your Location on the Tripod
Gathering Information
Exact Location
Getting the Precise Time
Synchronize the Autostar Time with Precise Date/Time
What is Your Time Zone?
Magnetic Declination
Setting Up the Autostar
The Autostar Keys Basics
User-entered Information in the Autostar
Change/Edit Site Information:
Setting the Basic The Autostar Telescope Parameters
Fine-tuning the Autostar
Motor Calibration
Train Drive
The Az/RA and Alt/DEC Percentage Settings
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