Meade Autostar User Manual Page 22

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How to Set Up and Level a Tripod
Some tripods have a leg marked “North”. Point this leg to the general direction of north. This is
also the side the telescope tilts if it is used in the Polar position. This leg supports and maintains
the center of gravity of the telescope and tripod assembly.
You only need to adjust two legs to level a tripod
You only need to adjust 2 legs to level the tripod. When all three legs are adjusted, you are
raising or lowering the tripod but not leveling the tripod. It would be easier if you think of leveling
the tripod in terms of front-to-back and left-to-right. If you stand facing north between the east-to-
west legs, the north leg adjusts the front-to-back leveling, the east OR west leg adjusts the left-to-
right leveling. I usually only adjust the north and east legs. The west leg only sets the proper
height and is not used for level adjustment.
Meade 883 deluxe field tripod Meade 884 deluxe field tripod
Note: The side where the bubble stays is the side that should be lowered.
Set up the Latitude of your location on the tripod
Depending on the model of tripod you have, the latitude adjustment on the tripod may be
different. A precision adjustment for latitude is not important. You only need to be somewhat
close. An exact setting of latitude will be done with Polaris and the NCP offset. You will read
details for that later. The latitude scale on the tripod probably does not allow any kind of precision
setting anyway. It will be fine tuned with the telescope attached when you perform the star
alignment. You can just set it to the nearest value of your location. For example, if your latitude
is 36° 16’, you could just set it to a little over 34°.
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